“I looked forward to this class every week.”
Assata High School
“I’m glad you taught me how to build credit because I will need to buy a car and a house.”
Community High School
“Thanks for the help because I learned how to use money and credit the right way before I turn 18.”
Kilmer High School
“Because of this program, I feel better prepared for the future.”
Riverside University High School
“This program made me think about how much I’m spending and how I need to start saving now to prepare for retirement.”
Riverside University High School
“I am going to save $150 from each check I receive every two weeks. That’s $300 a month.”
Rufus King High School
“The course helped because I just moved out and live on my own and I have bills to pay.”
Milwaukee School of Entrepreneurship
“I think the most interesting part of the course was when you showed me how much money I can accumulate over time by saving a little bit each month.”
Cudahy High School
“My mom and step dad need this. Actually, a lot of people do.”
Cudahy High School
“This course makes me want to go home and talk to my parents about a savings account!”
Pius Xi High School
“I believe (this) is a good program for young people because some students don’t receive this at home.”
Destiny High School
“I learned how credit can help you or hold you back and that I need to pay myself first!”
Destiny High School
“I learned how to better manage my money. I learned how to save. I found the direct deposit interesting, how money from your job can go straight to your account.”
Custer High School
“I was even able to go home and tell my mother things such as her credit report, CDs, and things that can help her boost her credit score.”
Custer High School
“This course should be required for all students.”
Edison High School